Astrological Roots:
The Hellenistic Legacy
Astrological Roots: The Hellenistic Tradition is the first systematic presentation of Hellenistic astrology to the modern astrological world. How did ancient astrologers assess a chart for fame, career, and parents, love, and happiness? This book surveys ancient depictions of planets, affiliations between the planets and the zodiac, lots, houses or places, aspects, orientality, and fixed stars. Students and professional astrologers will find this book a treasure of astrological insight, technique, and new interpretative possibilities. Not only will you gain knowledge of how ancient astrologers practiced their trade, but you will also have new tools that apply to modern life.
Joseph Crane has practised and taught astrology since the late 1980's, and is co-founder of the Astrology Institute, which has trained people in astrological technique and in counseling skills since 1992. He began learning Hellenistic astrology in the mid-1990's and since then has brought it into his teaching and consulting practice. He has lectured and taught on a variety of topics, including ancient and modern astrological technique as well as connecting astrology with works of literature and philosophy. His first book, A Practical Guide to Traditional Astrology, was published in 1998. Joseph Crane, who lives in New England, is also a psychotherapist and has been a Buddhist practitioner since 1980.
Autor: Joseph Crane
Editora:The Wessex Astrologer Ltd
Idioma: Inglês
Páginas: 336
Ano: 2007
ISBN-10: 1902405242
ISBN-13: 9781902405247